Carolina Climate Control Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’

You Need Professionals to Fix These Furnace Problems

Monday, February 19th, 2024

We discourage people from attempting to repair their HVAC systems on their own. We’re even more adamant when it comes to trying amateur repairs on a furnace. Some basic troubleshooting is fine—we encourage that—but anything that involves taking out tools and tinkering around inside the furnace is off-limits. It’s that’s not just us saying that. In many jurisdictions, it’s illegal for anyone to work on a gas furnace unless they have proper certification. It’s an issue of safety: for you, your family, and your neighborhood.

We’re going to go through several common furnace repairs that you must leave to the professionals. If you’re in any doubt about whether you need a furnace repair in Greenville, SC or not, don’t hesitate to call us. Caution is the best method when it comes to a malfunctioning furnace.

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